Functions for managing directories.
Detailed Description
Functions for managing directories.
Function Documentation
Closes a directory descriptor.
This function destroys a directory descriptor which was previously obtained by calling fat_open_dir(). When this function returns, the given descriptor will be invalid.
- Parameters:
[in] | dd | The directory descriptor to close. |
- See also:
- fat_open_dir
Creates a directory.
Creates a directory and obtains its directory entry. If the directory to create already exists, its directory entry will be returned within the dir_entry parameter.
- Note:
- The notes which apply to fat_create_file() also apply to this function.
- Parameters:
[in] | parent | The handle of the parent directory of the new directory. |
[in] | dir | The name of the directory to create. |
[out] | dir_entry | The directory entry to fill for the new directory. |
- Returns:
- 0 on failure, 1 on success.
- See also:
- fat_delete_dir
Deletes a directory.
This is just a synonym for fat_delete_file(). If a directory is deleted without first deleting its subdirectories and files, disk space occupied by these files will get wasted as there is no chance to release it and mark it as free.
- Parameters:
[in] | fs | The filesystem on which to operate. |
[in] | dir_entry | The directory entry of the directory to delete. |
- Returns:
- 0 on failure, 1 on success.
- See also:
- fat_create_dir
Moves or renames a directory.
This is just a synonym for fat_move_file().
- Parameters:
[in] | fs | The filesystem on which to operate. |
[in,out] | dir_entry | The directory entry of the directory to move. |
[in] | parent_new | The handle of the new parent directory. |
[in] | dir_new | The directory's new name. |
- Returns:
- 0 on failure, 1 on success.
- See also:
- fat_create_dir, fat_delete_dir, fat_move_file
Opens a directory.
- Parameters:
[in] | fs | The filesystem on which the directory to open resides. |
[in] | dir_entry | The directory entry which stands for the directory to open. |
- Returns:
- An opaque directory descriptor on success, 0 on failure.
- See also:
- fat_close_dir
Reads the next directory entry contained within a parent directory.
- Parameters:
[in] | dd | The descriptor of the parent directory from which to read the entry. |
[out] | dir_entry | Pointer to a buffer into which to write the directory entry information. |
- Returns:
- 0 on failure, 1 on success.
- See also:
- fat_reset_dir
Resets a directory handle.
Resets the directory handle such that reading restarts with the first directory entry.
- Parameters:
[in] | dd | The directory handle to reset. |
- Returns:
- 0 on failure, 1 on success.
- See also:
- fat_read_dir